EV and Storage

electric charging EV

There is no single solution that will transition the world to Net Zero. As scientific innovation continues to search for answers, solar PV remains a time-tested technology that will underpin other elements of the C&I energy transition, EV charging and battery storage included.

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On-site battery storage optimises solar production by allowing a business to store ‘live’ power that would otherwise go to the grid, to use as and when they need. These batteries will form an essential part of future energy supply, reducing the risk of blackouts and ensuring businesses resilience and efficiency. As storage costs continue to decrease, battery storage is creating larger and more profitable opportunities for larger rooftop PV systems, with 25% of demand coming from the C&I sector.

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Benefits of Battery Storage


Reduce fossil fuel dependence by using solar power most effectively.

Shock Resilience

Promote independence and maintain business operation in case of grid failure with your own solar electricity supply.

Smart Energy

Avoid paying peak electricity charges by drawing on energy stored in the battery.


Scale your solar PV and battery to individual business needs, from office blocks to industrial complexes.


Reduce costs further by avoiding ‘non-commodity’ costs of levies and transmissions of electricity from the grid.

Stay Ahead

Prepare for electrification by creating capacity to charge electric vehicles overnight.

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Net Zero Targets

Governments and corporations around the world continue to set stretching low carbon targets, and there is increased evidence of smart businesses anticipating increased regulation by making changes to the way they operate, now.

The International Energy Agency (IEA) calls solar ‘the new king’ of electricity. It is fast to deploy, does not disrupt business as usual, and delivers big cuts to carbon emissions. It’s also highly visible, confirming a commitment to positive environmental action, and encouraging others to follow suit.


With Electron Green, there is every reason to switch on solar today.

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    EV Charging

    Across the globe, countries are banning sales of new ICE cars and hybrids, while most vehicle manufacturers have committed to ramping-up EV production. Leading multinational companies such as Unilever, DHL, Uber, and Amazon have targets for fleets of EV by 2030. These fleets and staff cars will need charging, and the grid will increasingly feel the pressure. Solar takes this pressure off the grid. The transition to staff and fleet EVs will need large scale, on-site charging capabilities, for which solar provides a cost-effective, renewable source. As charging stations may soon become standard within building regulations across Europe, the need for solar-powered charging points will only become clearer.

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    Please get in touch

    We are here to help - whether you want to cut your electricity bills, you're considering solar, or you're concerned about your carbon emissions. Whatever your start point, we have experts across the business who'll give you an honest assessment of options.

    Simply call 0203 835 2656 or click here for a voice or video call. It's as simple as that.